Review: First Taste (Footscray)

First Taste Restaurant in Footscray Melbourne

First Taste restaurant is a Cantonese styled restaurant with a specialty in traditional soup and other Cantonese dishes.

First Taste restaurant is is half the size that it was in its former glory. I used to really coming here for the traditional Cantonese soup that was always too oily but still tasted great. The oil never put me off and I came here again and again.

First Taste restaurant also has the classic claypot rice. Not an all time favourite dish of mine but I have always enjoyed having this at First Taste restaurant as it reminded me of home and they kept the flavours authentic. Alas, similar to the traditional Cantonese soup, the claypot rice does not reach its former glory.

First Taste restaurant isn't living up to its former self in my opinion. One of my favourite restaurants pales to its former glory days. I'll try again in a year or two hoping that they have improved. The soup formerly produced here wasn't available anywhere else in Melbourne so I really enjoyed coming here just for that. I am hopeful that First Taste can turn things around.

In a nutshell

First Taste restaurant is an adequate Cantonese styled restaurant. It's former claim to fame was it's specialty Cantonese soups that maintained an authentic flavour that tasted great. I am hoping they can return to their former glory days again.


First Taste restaurant is located at 104 Hopkins Street in Footscray.

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