Bryces Flat to The Blowhole walk

Bryces Flat to The Blowhole Walk, Daylesford

The Bryces Flat to The Blowhole (or vice versa) is 3.4km return in length (1.7km one way) and takes approximately 1 hour (complete return walk) to complete. You can begin at either end with either starting points being roughly equal in terms of overall aesthetics for the walk.

Bryces Flat to The Blowhole walk
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond. Bryces Flat.

Bryces Flat Carpark

The walk will be described beginning at Bryces Flat carpark. When you drive to the Bryces Flat carpark you will come to a concrete bridge or I guess road just before you arrive. Anyway, just be aware that if there has been a lot of rain it might be precarious to cross over to the other side but that is your call whether to cross in such conditions.

Bryces Flat to The Blowhole walk
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond. Bryces Flat.

It is also worth noting that you will have driven past the starting point of the walk to The Blowhole when you drove in. To be clear the starting point is on the right when you drive to Bryces Flat 400m or five minutes walk from Bryces Flat carpark area. The sign you will have passed driving in will say 'Bryces Flat 400m | 5min'. The actual sign to The Blowhole is on the opposite side of this same sign.

Bryces Flat to The Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

The reverse of the same sign as per below.

Bryces Flat to The Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

Diversion: Start your walk by heading back across the concrete bridge from Bryces Flat carpark. Now instead of following the road directly to the sign we identified above we suggest making a small side track to your left following the river / stream that will look quite spectacular if it's been raining and okay if its been dry. You can identify the right track by looking for the remnants of the old overbridge made from red bricks (see photo below with old brick bridge in background).

Bryces Flat to The Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

Just keep following the stream that is too your left and then you'll come to a nice canyon like area and potential swimming spot if you are that way inclined. Note the photo below is taken in semi-dry conditions. If we'd taken a photo from the same spot one week earlier there was alot more water.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

Bryces Flat to The Blowhole Main Walk

After enjoying the diversion just backtrack up to the main road then keep walking approximately 400m to the sign pictured earlier. You are now commencing the walk to The Blowhole proper.

Essentially you will be walking on a bank of Sailors Creek. The track is well maintained and easy to follow all the way to The Blowhole. It's basically impossible to get lost which makes it great for novice walkers or those paranoid about getting lost.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

The bush on both sides of the track is comprised of stringybark and box gum forest. It's not super dense and more semi covered but does offer some sun protection if it's a particularly sunny day.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

Along the way you will get views of Sailors Creek down below. There are multiple opportunities to take photos of Sailors Creek but inevitably most will have semi-obstructed views with some of the taller trees partially obscuring the vistas. Still it is what nature provides and we must be thankful to enjoy the native surroundings.

Better photographic opportunities: If you are looking to get better photo's of Sailors Creek we suggest you do the Twin Bridges walk that offers superior views.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

Just keep following the track. Much of the walk will look similar to this.

Tipperary Springs to Bryces Flat Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

A few small ascents and descents dot the walk but overall it is a pretty easy to do walk from a physical viewpoint. There are a few granite boulders on one very small section of the walk but they aren't too notable.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

Soon enough you'll reach The Blowhole. It's only about 25 minutes one way afterall. You'll basically know you are there once you start seeing well maintained track guard rails.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

The Blowhole is kind of a junction for several walks. You can continue on to Breakneck Gorge, do a smallish loop walk on the Diggings Loop Track walk (2.4km return) and an even smaller Spur Loop walk (10 minutes return).

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

The Blowhole

The Blowhole makes a perfect spot to have a break, have something to eat and take a few pictures.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond. At the base of The Blowhole.

Walkdown the steps and near the bottom head to your right.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond. Steps down to The Blowhole. Head right at the bottom.

At the bottom and just before you arrive at The Blowhole you'll get a nice view like this.before you turn right

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond. Just before you arrive. Head right at the bottom.

TIP: Definitely come to The Blowhole after a bit of rain to see something quite spectacular.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond. Blowhole on a dry day.

If there hasn't been any rain you'll be able to see right through The Blowhole to the other side. Pay attention in the following photograph to see what I mean.

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

That's it. Take a few pictures, relax and decide where you are needed to next. For an easy extra add the Diggings Loop Walk (2.4km) or just head back up the stairs and commence your return journey back to Bryces Flat. And no diving!

Bryces Flat Blowhole Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.


Tipperary Springs to Bryce's Flat Daylesford


Bryces Flat carpark area is Bryces Flat Picnic Area, Daylesford VIC 3460 just a nine minute trip from Daylesford town centre.

In A Nutshell

The Bryces Flat to The Blowhole Walk is really all about The Blowhole. The walk itself isn't amazing but it's all about The Blowhole. Make sure to time your walk when there has been plenty of rain and you will be rewarded with something special. On a dry day the walk is pleasant enough if you have never been to The Blowhole. However if you are familiar with the area then maybe the Twin Bridges walk is perhaps prettier in dry conditions. We'll let you decide.

TIP: Rain is your friend. Come here after some rain to see something quite spectacular.

Bryce's Flat Daylesford
Image: West Melbourne and Beyond.

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