The Boronia Peak walk in the Grampians is approximately 6.6km return and takes about 2 hours 30 minutes. Note that it can get steep in a few places and the last 10 metres may be quite challenging for some. It's definitely not a super easy walk but you do get rewarded with a great view. Some things really are earnt in life.
Spectacular view. Well worth the effort to get up here
At the end of Tandara Road follow the track from the car park across Fyans Creek footbridge. There should be signage around for you to follow. Begin the climb though tall Messmate forest and native pines, along the Western slope of the Mt William range.
At the top of the summit you are rewarded with superb views over the Fyans Valley and towards Lake Fyans to the east.
Enjoying the climb
The trail to Boronia Peak is definitely worth the effort. You don't get many amazing vista's out hiking in Victoria but this is definitely well worth the effort for the view alone.
Beautiful view of the mountain range
Enjoy the walk and make sure you enjoy yourself. As always wear appropriate clothing, footwear and carry sufficient food and water especially if it's one of those super hot Victorian days.
Having fun at Boronia Peak
Here is the location of Boronia Peak on Google Maps