Pink Cliffs (Heathcote)

Pink Cliffs in Heathcote

The Pink Cliffs in Heathcote are surprisingly beautiful albeit small in scale. The Pink Cliffs in Heathcote are approximately 1Hr 35 Mins from Melbourne CBD or 120km. While probably smaller than perhaps expected the bright orange red colours of the Pink Cliffs do look outstanding. The Pink Cliffs are definitely worth putting into your travel diary as they look somewhat different from most other scenery around Victoria.

Pink Cliffs
Pink Cliffs

The Pink Cliffs circuit is just over 1km or about 16 minutes walk. There some tiny undulations but really this walk is for everyone. I have been here multiple times so despite the Pink Cliffs being tiny so to speak the visual attraction is always there and as it is such a small walk there is no obstacle for doing it.

Pink Cliffs
Pink Cliffs

The Pink Cliffs are a fragile in nature and there are signs to discourage you from walking on them. Unfortunately it seems many people disregard them. I encourage you to follow the instructions and let future generations enjoy the Pink Cliffs as well.

Pink Cliffs
Pink Cliffs

The Pink Cliffs walk is well signposted and you are unlikely to get lost. However some bits of the walk do go in multiple directions for small distances. This walk is so short so a bit of backtracking for completists might set you back maybe one or two minutes. The semi sprawling nature of the walk is actually a benefit given the walk is so small.

Pink Cliffs
Pink Cliffs

I regard the Pink Cliffs as a must see visit if you are a Victorian. It might seem a bit outrageous travelling such a distance for such a small walk but because the Pink Cliffs are visually different from most nature areas in Victoria I think it's worth doing atleast once.

Pink Cliffs
Pink Cliffs

Information from external websites

Disclaimer: West Melbourne and Beyond does not maintain or own the copyright to this information. Material maybe out of date. Use at your own discretion.


The Pink Cliffs in Heathcote are approximately 1Hr 35 Mins from Melbourne CBD or 120km.

From Heathcote town centre it takes only 3 minutes by car and is 1.7km should you want to walk there for a bit of extra exercise.

Photos from the Walk

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